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Scientific Unit Abbreviations

A reference table of scientific units and their abbreviations as well as some prefixes used in the international system of units. 

Unit Abbreviations
A ampere
Å angstrom
atm atmosphere
Bq becquerel
C coulomb
°C Celsius, centigrade
cal calorie
cc cubic centimeter
Ci, c Curie
cm centimeter
cpm counts per minute
Da dalton
dam decameter
dB decibel
dl deciliter
dm decimeter
dpm disintegrations per minute
dps disintegrations per second
dr dram
F faraday
°F Fahrenheit
fl dr fluid dram
Fl, fld fluid
fl oz fluid ounce
ft foot
G gauss
gal gallon
GBq gigabecquerel
g, gm  gram
gtt drop
h hour
Hz hertz
in inch
IU international unit
J joule
K kelvin
kcal kilocalorie
kDa kilodalton
kg kilogram
kJ kilojoule
km kilometer
kPa kilopascal
L, l liter
L/min liters per minute
lb. pound
M molar, thousand, meter
m meter
mcg, µg microgram
mCi, mc millicurie
mEq milliequivalent
mEq/L milliequivalent per liter
mg, mgm milligram
min minute
ml, mL milliliter
mm millimeter
mmHg millimeters of mercury
mol mole
mol wt, MW, MWt molecular weight
N normal (concentration)
nm nanometer
oz. ounce
qt quart
Pa pascal
ppm parts per million
pt pint
r revolution
rad radiation-absorbed dose
rev/min, rpm revolutions per minute
S Svedberg unit
s second
SI International System of Units
Tbsp tablespoon
tsp teaspoon
U unit
µ, mu micron
V volt
vol% volume percent
v/v volume per volume
W watt
w/v weight per volume
y year
giga- G 109
mega- M 106
kilo- k 103
hecto- h 102
deka-/deca- da 10
deci- d 10-1
centi- c 10-2
milli- m 10-3
micro mc, µ 10-6
nano n 10-9
pico p 10-12
femto f 10-15

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