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Endocrine and Gastrointestinal Abbreviation Charts
Endocrine system and gastrointestinal system abbreviation study and reference charts.
Endocrine System | |
AC | adrenal cortex |
ACTH | adrenocorticotropic hormone |
ADH | antidiuretic hormone |
CAH | congenital adrenal hyperplasia |
DI | diabetes insipidus |
DKA | diabetic ketoacidosis |
DM | diabetes mellitus |
FSH | follicle-stimulating hormone |
GH | growth hormone |
HCG | human chorionic gonadotropin |
HGF | human growth factor |
ICSH | interstitial cell-stimulating hormone |
IDDM | insulin-dependent diabetes mellitus |
IGT | impaired glucose tolerance |
JOD | juvenile-onset diabetes |
LH | luteinizing hormone |
MEA | multiple endocrine adenomatosis |
MEN | multiple endocrine neoplasia |
MSH | melanocyte-stimulating hormone |
NIDDM | noninsulin-dependent diabetes mellitus |
OXT | oxytocin |
PRL | prolactin |
PTH | parathyroid hormone |
SIADH | syndrome of inappropriate ADH |
STH | somatotropic hormone |
T3 | triiodothyronine |
T4 | thyroxine |
TFT | thyroid function test |
TSH | thyroid-stimulating hormone |
Gastrointestinal System | |
abd | abdomen/abdominal |
BE | barium eneme |
BM | bowel movement |
BS | bowel sounds |
CAH | chronic active hepatitis |
CBD | common bile duct |
CUC | chronic ulcerative colitis |
D&V | diarrhea & vomiting |
DU | duodenal ulcer |
EGD | esophagogastroduodenoscopy |
ERCP | endoscopic retrograde cholangiopancreatography |
ESO, esoph | esophagus |
GB | gallbladder |
GBS | gallbladder series |
GERD, GRD | gastroesophageal reflux disease |
GI | gastrointestinal |
HAV | hepatitis A virus |
HBV | hepatitis B virus |
HCV | hepatitis C virus |
HDV | hepatitis D virus |
HI | hepatic insufficiency |
IBD | inflammatory bowel disease |
IBS | irritable bowel syndrome |
IH | infectious hepatitis |
IVC | intravenous cholangiography |
LES | lower esophageal sphincter |
LFT | liver function tests |
LGI | lower gastrointestinal |
LSK | liver, spleen & kidneys |
NG, N-G | nasogastric (tube) |
N/V | nausea & vomiting |
OCG | oral cholecystogram |
PEG | percutaneous endoscopic gastrostomy |
PEM | protein-energy malnutrition |
procto | proctoscopy |
PU | peptic ulcer |
PUD | peptic ulcer disease |
RDA | recommended daily/dietary allowance |
SBFT | small bowel follow-through |
SBO | small bowel obstruction |
SBS | small bowel series |
TPN | total parenteral nutrition |
UGI | upper gastrointestinal |
VH | viral hepatitis |