NCI-H1299 Transfection Kit (Lung Adenocarcinoma)


Kit Size VolumePricePay with CC, PO, or PaypalAdd to Cart
0.5 ml (Catalog #6852)$408.00
1.5 ml (Catalog #6853)$824.00
1.5 ml CRISPR (Catalog #2176)$824.00
8.0 ml (Catalog #7066)$2,172.00
SKU: NCIH1299 Category:


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Product Availability: In Stock.

Transfection Reagent for NCI-H1299 Cells (Lung Adenocarcinoma Cells, CRL-5803)

  • Two component formulation enhances lipid mediated transfection efficiency
  • Optimized easy-to-use transfection protocol provided for transfection of siRNA, DNA, mRNA, and microRNA
  • Kit includes Transfection Enhancer reagent and recommended transfection protocol
  • High transfection efficacy in the presence of serum
  • Expand your RNAi application with a reagent optimized for delivery of both siRNA and plasmid
  • Reproducible transfection results
  • Works well for standard reverse transfection and high-throughput applications
  • Download NCI-H1299 CRISPR/Cas9 transfection protocol: [PDF]
  • Download PowerPoint presentation for NCI-H1299 cells transfection kit: [PPT]
  • Developed and manufactured by Altogen Biosystems

Transfection Efficiency:

Reagent exhibits at least 91% transfection efficiency of siRNA delivery. Transfection efficiency was determined by qRT-PCR.

Product Description:

Optimized transfection kit for high transfection efficiency of NCI-H1299 cell line derived from human lung carcinoma tissue. Used in molecular biology to facilitate the introduction of foreign nucleic acids (DNA and RNA) into H1299 cells. Compatible with DNA and RNA transfection.

Transfection Protocol and SDS:

Download Altogen Biosystems NCI-H1299 Transfection Protocol: [PDF]

Download SDS: [PDF]

NCI-H1299 Cell Line:

NCI-H1299 is a human non-small cell lung cancer cell line that was originally derived from a lymph node metastasis of a patient with lung adenocarcinoma. This cell line is commonly used in cancer research as a model for studying lung cancer biology, drug discovery, and development of new therapies. NCI-H1299 cells are characterized by their lack of p53 tumor suppressor gene expression, which makes them particularly useful for studying the effects of drugs that target this pathway. These cells also have a high rate of proliferation and are resistant to apoptosis, which is the programmed cell death that helps to control cell growth and division. Researchers have used NCI-H1299 cells to study various aspects of lung cancer biology, including the signaling pathways that drive tumor growth and metastasis, the mechanisms of drug resistance, and the development of new therapeutic agents. This cell line has also been used to study the role of p53 in cancer development and to test the efficacy of novel drugs targeting this pathway.

Lung cancer is considered the leading cause of cancer death worldwide among both women and men. It mainly occurs in older people, with an average patient age of 70 years. Less than 2% of all diagnosed patients are younger than 45, per the American Cancer Society (ACS). Furthermore, it is the most preventable cancer, affecting smokers 15 to 30 times more often than people who do not smoke. Many lung cancer patients are resistant to current treatments, including chemotherapy and radiotherapy. The NCI-H1299 cell line was initially established from the lung cells of a 43-year-old Caucasian male patient with non-small cell lung cancer. These cells were derived from the lymph node metastatic site, and exhibit epithelial cell morphology. They lack expression of the p53 protein and have been known to synthesize peptide neuromedin B (NMB). NCI-H1299 are useful for studying lung cancer in humans. Altogen Biosystems offers transfection reagent kits for the NCI-H1299 cell line.

Cell line mutations:

NRAS 4893 37 1 115256530 115256530 Missense_Mutation SNP G T
SIGLEC6 946 37 19 52034702 52034702 Missense_Mutation SNP C T
RYR2 6262 37 1 237780625 237780625 Silent SNP C A
TIMD4 91937 37 5 156381462 156381462 Missense_Mutation SNP C A
ICA1 3382 37 7 8258122 8258122 Missense_Mutation SNP C T
CALCR 799 37 7 93108748 93108748 Nonsense_Mutation SNP G T
DLGAP4 22839 37 20 35060659 35060659 Missense_Mutation SNP G T
ST6GAL2 84620 37 2 107460392 107460392 Silent SNP G A
NRP2 8828 37 2 206610543 206610543 Missense_Mutation SNP G A
CNTN6 27255 37 3 1269633 1269633 Missense_Mutation SNP T G
LMTK2 22853 37 7 97822385 97822385 Missense_Mutation SNP C A


NCI-H1299 Transfection Reagent

Figure 1. GAPD mRNA levels were quantified using real-time PCR in the NCI-H1299 cells transfected with siRNAs targeting GAPD or non-silencing siRNA. Forty-eight hours post-transfection, the cells were harvested and analyzed by real-time PCR for GAPD mRNA expression levels. Data were normalized against the 18S rRNA signal. Control samples were either mock-transfected or untreated. Values are normalized to untreated sample. Data are means ± SD (n=5).


Figure 2. Protein expression of GAPDH in NCI-H1299 cells. DNA plasmid expressing GAPDH or siRNA targeting GAPDH were transfected into NCI-H1299 cells following Altogen Biosystems transfection protocol. At 72 hours post-transfection the cells were analyzed by Western Blot for protein expression levels (normalized by total protein, 10 µg of total protein loaded per each well). Untreated cells used as a negative control.

Altogen Biosystems manufacturers preoptimized transfection kits for cancer research. Reagents and transfection protocols are optimized for individual cancer cell lines. Altogen Biosystems developed two types of in vivo delivery kits for animal research: Tissue-targeted reagents (delivery into liver, pancreas, and kidney tissues), and in vivo biodistribution reagents (PEG-Liposome, Nanoparticle, Lipid, and Polymer-based kits). Optimized transfection protocols provide efficient cellular delivery of proteins, DNA, and RNA molecules in vitro and in vivo. Read more about transfection technology at Altogen’s Transfection ResourceAltogen Labs provides GLP compliant contract research studies for preclinical research, read more:

H1299 Transfection Reagent

Volume Options:

  • 0.5 ml (Catalog #6852)
  • 1.5 ml (Catalog #6853)
  • 1.5 ml CRISPR (Catalog #2176)
  • 8.0 ml (Catalog #7066)

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Product Availability: In Stock.